Sunday, January 2, 2011

a very warm, warm welcome.

what up hustlers,
this is JVL_STARRR69 from PokerStars, wishing you an amazing and healthy year 2011.
Let me quickly introduce myself: My name is Julian, I am 22 years old and I studying economics in my hometown Fulda (Germany). Guess this should do it for now, more in my future posts.
I am chasing SNE this year, hopefully more successfull than last year. I really had no clue about the game, no bankroll and no computer equipment and so i quickly dropped like 10.000$ and was nearly broke (more on that later, too).

So now I am back on track and I am very confident things will work well for me this year. I am playing the 50bb tables right now, from NL200 to NL600 and taking shots at the 100bb tables, if the games are soft, as long as my bankroll is not big enough.

If you are interested, I would be very happy if you follow me. I´ll always try, to keep it up to date.

Have a nice day and gl at the tables,

1 comment:

  1. hey there!! just randomly found your blog through other poker players!! Look forward to reading!! GL this year with your Pokerz!!!
