it is the period of celebration between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday, also colloquially known as the fifth season. Celebrations take a variety of forms: there are meetings at which humorous speeches are made and carnival songs are sung; masked balls for young and old; and on the so-called crazy days normal life in many regions is turned completely upside down. During these crazy days power is symbolically assumed in many towns by a carnival prince and princess. Rosenmontag is generally a holiday in our region, allowing people to watch the processions and join in the celebrations.

CRAP! I really hate carnival, cause each and errry 9-5 worker is getting hardly wasted and completely hangovered these days, wearing ridiculous costums, having the joy of their life. Whatever, I visited a at a carnival event yesterday, cuz some of my friends have been there, too.
OH MY GOSH, thankfully i stayed sober.
schoolwise i unfortunately just managed to get two examns running for my first quarter in Fulda. on the one hand it seems to be okay for my SNE-chase, so i can spend much time in grinding, on the other hand my studying-time will expaaaand a lot, however, i never thought getting my bachelor in business in three years, haha.
i also set a new peronal record with spending four consecutive hours at the university, i am a little proud, eventhough i didn´t listen much, because of three blond seductions two rows in front of me.

nonetheless, cross your fingers for my examns in february ;)!
I played poker two times live this month at the local casino with two friends of mine. we all played the 100$ crapshot with a maximum of 60 participants. i busted out in 57th place, haha. a guy limped in for 100, the small blind completed and i made it 300 wit AJo. the limping guy immediately picked randomly in his chipstack and made it to 500, lol. the dealer said the minimum was 600 or so, and i really had to lough out loud. okay, when fish limp it is usually QQ, KK, AA or AK. i liked his limp-min-MIN-reraise so much that i called. the flop came A A 2. i checked and he instantly betted ALL-IN. i was pretty sure he had me with AK, but this guys was so sympathetic, i couldn´t get away from my hand.
he turned over AK and the dealer announced: SEAT OPEN.
i switched over to cash game playing NL400€ which equals appr. 550$.
unusually i hit (for live games) a really tough table with two semi-regs and two regs to my right who really tilted me.
they were max. 19 years old, but thought they had the skill level of ivey, wearing headphones like MC Hammer, trying to intimidate the table by isolating limpers and check raising flops a bunch.
but fortunately, after two hours of play, i picked up 9d2d in the small blind. there was an early raise and a coldcaller. tom dwan made it 34€ to go in the cutoff and i thought my time has come. i made it 106€ out of the big blind. he took his time and flatted...CRAP. the flop came QJ6, i lead out for 88€ he called.
turn was a 10. yeah, his range had me totally crushed. but i was young and fearless with the heart of a warrior, i jammed, he snapped....F*ck.
he instantly asked, if i had AK. NOPE tom, no AK here.
the river brought an ultimate King and i didnt realize in the heat of the action that i rivered the straight. he turned over QQ, i was sooo paralyzed and wanted to muck. luckily, i turned my straight over and the casino had a new hero. the whole table was talking about me, eventhough the other tables, a short time later.
nice hand, well played, tom said and i felt ultimatevely satisfacted, haha :).
i am up 1,6k$ live this month. not bad for such a donk.
only things have been going very swooooongy for this month. it is a hard rollercoaster ride, but i am fine with that, hoping for another 5 digit month with rb.

i played 136 hours this month which equals appr. 6hours a day without taking a single day off, furthermore i earned 73k VPPs hoping to catch the 100k mark at the end of the month. pretty stressfull, but i can see myself hanging around at the bahamas in january 2012, playing the main event and having a good time with hot chicks at the beach, when everybody in europe freeeeeeeeezes.

jajajaja, have a good one!